
“Our best children’s carnival ever!”

Castle Cary and Ansford’s very special 40th anniversary is underway! The sun shone for our first procession, the Ann Hallett Children’s Carnival last Saturday, with around 100 children taking to the streets in a festival of colour and creativity.     “It was definitely our best ever Children’s Carnival”...

Children’s Carnival – 7 October from 3pm

As well as the usual colourful and varied Ann Hallett Children’s Carnival procession starring over 100 local children; after the procession, outside the Market House, Castle Cary, there will be a children's festival of fabulous entertainment   Learn circus skills like juggling, spin diabolo and poi...

Were you a carnival queen?

As it's our 40th anniversary, we would love to hear from any former carnival queens!  How about feeling like a queen all over again, and on 14 October riding in the procession in one of Haynes International Motor Museum's fabulous cars? Contact Di or Kara Pinnions...

Join us for a trip to Bridgwater Carnival!

Make Bonfire night go with a bang and join us at Bridgwater Carnival on 4 November. Castle Cary Carnival Society are organising a bus - please let Paul Burch know if you're interested at


Castle Cary and Ansford Carnival Society are delighted to announce a very special programme of entertainment to celebrate their 40-year anniversary. Key highlights include: Exciting partnerships with Ansford Academy and Castle Cary Primary School Bringing international carnival acts to the town, including from Notting Hill Celebrating...

40th anniversary ‘ruby dinner’!

Thanks to everyone who came along to our recent 40th anniversary dinner.  It was a sparkling evening full of wonderful memories, special people and fervent wishes for another 40 very happy years! Our guests had their photos taken by a budding photographer after walking up the...

We’ve been busy!

June was a busy month for the carnival society, fund-raising and planning our special 40th anniversary carnival processions. Our evening with Bernie Scott (the spiritual medium) was amazing, with a busy crowd fascinated by what she shared. A week or so later and we were thanking our...

Love Carnival? How about helping out?

With our carnival celebrating it’s 40th birthday this year, we are hoping to make ‘Cary’s Big Night Out’ brighter and better than ever! It takes a lot of people, with lots of different skills and talents to bring the procession to a street near you. How about helping...

40 Years Of Carnival

2017 marks an amazing 40 years of carnival in Castle Cary! To celebrate we're planning a programme of special events, as well as making our children's and evening illuminated processions brighter and better then ever! For starters, see if you can spot yourself in carnivals gone by....

Cary Comedians Carnival Club

In this auspicious 40th year for the club and Castle Cary Carnival, tremendous efforts are being made by Cary Comedians to fundraise and get their dressed tractor completed to enter not only the Castle Cary Carnival but also the Wessex GP Circuit and the Somerset...